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about me

Height: 5"6   |   Eye Color: Green Brown   |   Hair Color: Brown

Christina Lopez-Hidalgo is a size 16 goof ball with a love of classic rock, running, and everything Minnesotan. She'll talk your ear off with science facts, movie quotes, and life anecdotes. 



Disney-ABC   |   The Fab Life  |   2016  |   Model

VH1   |   Walk of Shame Shuttle  |   2014  |   Guest Star

Entertainment Studios   |   Supreme Justice   |   2013  |   Guest Star


Glamour   |   Be Your Beautiful   |   2017  |   Co-Star

Melissa?! Productions   |   500 Days of Filip   |   2014  |   Supporting

USC Master's Program   |   Celery vs. Cupcake   |   2014  |   Lead

New Media

Buzzfeed   |   If Women Cat Called   |   2014  |   Co-Star

Get Bucked Variety Riot   |   Mattress Pack   |   2013  |   Lead

BermanBraun   |  |   2013  |   Supporting

Training & Workshops

Groundlings  |   Core Improv Program   |   Varies Instructors

Westside Comedy Theater   |  Long form Improv   |   Varies Instructors

IO West   |   Long form Improv   |   Varies Instructors

Special Skills

This chick a stick shift, bartend, figure skate, play soccer, play the violin, run half marathons, decorate a cake, speak Minnesotan, and rock a karaoke mic.

Download Full Resume
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